The Sculpt Bar
Everyone wants to uncover their best physique and we are happy to be apart of that process for our sculpt babes. Whether you are just starting your weight management journey and need some direction and maybe a quick booty boost or maybe you are in the gym and doing what you are suppose to do but nothing will get rid of that one area, the sculpt bar can help. If you are post op and looking to boost recovery and maintain results, we can deliver all noninvasive services requiring no down time.We are all about making those in our community feel seen, celebrated, and most importantly feeling & looking one's personal best! We offer services ranging from needleless lip fillers, to skin-tightening facials, to vacuum therapy butt-lifts. We are located downtown Melbourne and are open by appointment. Get sculpted and stay sculpted by the Brevard's premier body contouring studio!

Sculpt Liposuction 2x
Start at $165.00
Sculpt liposuction is an alternative to surgical lipo that uses cold low-level lasers to break down unwanted body fat in targeted areas. This is targeting two areas of the client's choice.
The Sculpt Melt
Start at $300.00
Sculpt Melt Therapy is one of our newest services in which natural fat burning ingredients are injected using painless needle-less injections. This is a 7 day regiment, day 1 is the day of injections. You must waist train the entire 7 days, no alcohol, coffee or greasy foods.
Sculpt Bar Butt Lift
Start at $125.00
Vacuum therapy promises to help tone and tighten your rear without the use of incisions and fat grafting.
Radio Frequency Skin Tightening 2x
Start at $145.00
RF skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses radio frequency energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. This service targets two sections of the clients choice.
The SSBL Build Up Package
Package of 5 traditional sculpt bar butt lifts using vacuum therapy. Package is to be used within 30 days of purchase.
Tap Out Session
Three vacuum therapy treatments in one session for the ultimate result.
Cavitation & RF Skin tightening
Cavitation combined with rf skin tightening to treat and diminish the look of cellulite. Cavi is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses ultrasound technology to reduce fat cells in targeted parts of the body.
Detox Sauna Treatment
Benefits include weight-loss, muscle tension relief, detoxification, increased metabolism, and a stronger immune system. The controlled timed heat will cause the body to sweat and release toxins resulting in loss of excess body fat.
Sculpt Liposuction
Starting at $95.00
Sculpt liposuction is an alternative to surgical lipo that uses cold low-level lasers to break down unwanted body fat in targeted areas. One treatment area.
Second Skin Facial
Sculpt Melt Therapy is one of our newest services in which natural fat burning ingredients are injected using painless needle-less injections. This is a 7 day regiment, day 1 is the day of injections. You must waist train the entire 7 days, no alcohol, coffee or greasy foods. This package is to be used within 90 days. The sculpt melt is one of our most popular services using needless injections to administer an all natural fat burner. This is a 7 day detox treatment in which you must waist train
Radio Frequency Skin Tightening
Start at $85.00
RF skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses radio frequency energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.
SB mini makeover
30 min session of cavitation and radio frequency skin tightening, 30 min sculpt lipo, 30 min sculpt bar butt lift, ending with a 30 min sauna blanket service.
Sculpt My Lips
Build your natural lip with our sculpted lip service! This service injects filler linked with hyaluronic acid via the hyaluron pen. 2 sessions are required as you need at least 2 sessions to build your lip 2 weeks apart. One can also target deep forehead frown lines & 11's between the eyes with this service! Its all about the layers babe. 1 ML - 200.00 Additional ML - 125.00
The SBBL Deluxe
Using a combination of our traditional SBBL and all natural needless injections with a few top secret steps we are confident we can plump your backside lasting up to 32 days. Following the 10 day aftercare instructions is essential to results. Book a consultation and lets get your sculpted.
Wood sculpt
Wood Sculpt has a firming effect on the skin, as it activates the production of elastin/collagen, toning, sculpting and improving blood circulation. Each Wood Sculpt instrument has a specific use for a particular area of the body